Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Living in Japan

Mostly, I love living in Japan. And it's not like I didn't choose to move here. It's just that I've recently purchased a new sewing machine and serger and am trying to get back into sewing but it's difficult to do that here. Not the actual physical act of sewing, but the purchasing of supplies, fabric, etc. is the difficult part. With Japan's rich heritage of beautiful fabrics, kimonos and obis I never dreamed that very few people still sewed for themselves. A co-worker who is a Japanese National told me most people purchase clothing because it's cheaper than sewing. I've found that to be the truth. Sadly, I have to purchase all the fabric and supplies online from the U.S. and then wait for them to arrive. A list of my frustrations:

  1. Spending hours looking on various websites for the basic supplies for sewing. Wouldn't you think there would be a sewing supply website that would offer all the supplies you need? Nope, nada!
  2. Then there is the postage issue. If it isn't sent Priority Mail, it could take as long as a month to arrive. I work on a military base and the military is responsible for all mail from California. Priority (which is considerably faster) can get expensive when you're talking heavy fabric. 
  3. Space is another issue. My house is small and my sewing area is taking over my bedroom! And I still need more "stuff"! 
  4. No way to take lessons here to improve my skills--don't speak Japanese! Nothing more than the very basics anyway.
If there is anyone out there who stumbles onto this blog and you happen to be a sewer, please tell me how you handle the organizational issues and if you have any tips for suppliers please holla back and let me know. A million thanks!

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